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The rook wouldn’t leave the daughter in coffin then doctor looked under her & scream help !!

Vladimir is a young Russian reporter. He just got accepted in a local newspaper. Vladimir wanted to prove himself to his editor, especially that he has been working hard to get this job. Vladimir knew that he needed a very good and unique story in order to. Prove himself to his boss. Vladimir contacted all the people that he.

Knew to inform them that he needed. An interesting story so that they can. Call back when they have one. Vladimir received some calls from his friends with new stories, but none of those stories was interested in Vladimir. He wanted something new, something different. Vladimir didn’t give up and he kept looking for the story until one day.

A friend called him to tell him. That he had the unique story that Vladimir was looking for. Vladimir’s friend told him that his neighbor Valerie had a very strange story happened. To him in Norway. Vladimir asked his friend to set up. A meeting with Valerie and after a. Couple of days, Vladimir’s friend called him and told him that Valerie was waiting for him in his house. Once he got the address, Vladimir went. Read the full story here ▶