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Heart touching moments of soldier came home after 3 years and find out he is becoming a father

After serving his country for three long years, Army Sergeant Jack Johnson was finally coming home. Jack had joined the military straight out of high school, eager to serve his country and make a difference in the world. But the past three years had been tough, and Jack was ready to be reunited with his family and friends.

As Jack stepped off the plane and into the terminal, he was greeted by the cheers and applause of the waiting crowd. Jack was a hometown hero, and his community had been eagerly awaiting his return. Jack was overwhelmed with emotion as he hugged his family and friends, tears streaming down his face.

But there was one person Jack had been eagerly awaiting the chance to see: his girlfriend, Emily. Jack and Emily had been together since high school, and they had talked almost every day while he was deployed. Jack couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms again and tell her how much he loved her. Read the full story here ▶