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Man Exposes Church Guidelines Before Arrest for Prolonged Sexual Abuse of Minor, Beginning at Age 11; Sentenced

According to the court documents, the defendant, later identified as 33-year-old Robert, was convicted of multiple charges, including: se-ual battery – victim less than 12 years of age, se-ual battery while in position of custodial authority, child abuse (aggravated) and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Prosecutors say the defendant was sentenced to two life sentences and will spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Per reports, the denfendant was initially charged with more then 1,000 counts of se-ual battery. During the investigation, authorities reportedly revealed that the defendant se-ually abused the child, who was not identified due to her age, for 3 years.

The defendant began se-ually abusing the child when she was just 11-years-old. When officers found the little girl, the child had severe bruises and scars, court records say. Read the full story here ▶