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Man Delivers Pizza to Panicky Lady, Finds Note ‘Help Me!’ in Bills She Gives Him

John is a 20-something pizza boy working his regular shift when a delivery goes horribly wrong. When a lady pays him for her Pizza, John discovers a note among the dollar bills, with the words help me, he realizes he needs to save the woman before it’s too late. John heaved, a sigh of relief as he checked the delivery addresses on his phone. It had been a long day, more exhausting than usual, only one more delivery to go. Then he could go home, relax and have some pizza himself, John hopped, on his scooter and rode to the house of elawas C for the next delivery.

He thought he could finish his work soon and head home because she lived close to the neighborhood where he had been delivering pizzas all day when John pulled over, he found himself in front of a modest but decent house. He collected the pizza Eloise had ordered, walked to her front door and rang the doorbell hello. I’Ve got your pizza man, John called out. There was no answer, hello, ma’am. Are you in there? Read the full story here ▶