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Man Tries To Sexually Assault Woman, She Breaks Off A Piece Of Him He’ll Never Be Able To Get Back

In North Charleston, South Carolina a man got what he deserved. After a teenage man tried to assault a female victim sexually, the woman fought him off after he forced his way into her home with evil intentions.The man tried to force his tongue down the South Carolina woman’s throat, and that’s when she chomped down on it and cut through the sexual predator’s tongue.

The 33 year old victim told police that the man had broken into her home. She called the police immediately after the attack occurred to report it. She described that the man had knocked on her door again and again. Each time she heard the knocking, she opened the door to see who was out there and didn’t see anyone. That was a surprise to her because she kept hearing the knock, knock, knocking on her door. But no one was there.

On the final knock, the lustful teenager was standing there holding a knife with a white handle. He had anger in his eyes, and he bumped his chest forward so she could not slam the door on him. Read the full article here ▶