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Dad Is Horrified Seeing Newborn Son – “He doesn’t look like a person” he said

As Magda Newman prepared to welcome her firstborn, she labored for almost 17 hours before giving birth. After such a long and tiring labor, she wanted nothing more than to then hold her son. To her surprise, doctors held off showing her the newborn instead of seeing her son. She saw looks of horror on the medical team’s faces. What’s going on here, Magda asked she couldn’t hear her son crying.

It was making her worry that something had happened to him. Instead of bringing her son to her for some skin-to-skin contact, they took him to a back room where more and more people began to rush in Magda was left alone in a room filled with deafening silence. The worst thoughts began to flood Magda’s mind and at one point she thought her baby was dead because nobody wanted to tell her what was happening. What’s going on, I want to see the baby Magda asked the doctors once more. However, they wouldn’t give her an answer. Read the full story here ▶