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Bullied 9-Year-Old Boy Asks Officer To Come To His Birthday Party–However When The Cop Arrives, He Notices He’s The Only One There

When he start to get older, we don’t appreciate our birthday as we used to. Especially when we were children. However for those who have kids (or if you remember being one), you realize how important a birthday is to the grade school set.

Children love birthdays and birthday parties. When it’s time to celebrate their own birthday, they are excited to be a year older, get presents, blow out candles on their very own birthday cake, and maybe even have their friends come to a special birthday party just for them.

Our kids love birthday parties so much that they almost love going to their friends’ birthday parties as much as their own party. It means party favors and cupcakes plus a couple hours of fun activities with their best buds. What’s not to love? Read the full article here ▶