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”You Robbed This Child!” Judge Hands Down A 2,000 Year Sentence To Husband And Wife

Patricia Ayers is facing 1,590 years in prison and her husband, Matthew Ayers, is facing 750 years in prison. The couple was convicted of over 100 counts of producing child pornography.

“I have been on the bench since 1998, and this is the worst case I have personally dealt with, including murders,” U.S. District Judge L. Scott Coogler told the defendants. “You robbed this child of her childhood and her soul, and a maximum sentence is the only sentence appropriate.”

The couple, who lived in Florence, Alabama, pleaded guilty in June to charges related to producing pornographic images of a child in their custody. The pornography was produced and distributed between the summer of 2010 and January 2013. Read the full article here ▶