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WOW! Dan Bongino Went LIVE And Gave Them A MAJOR Ultimatum!

Dan Bongino does not pull any of his punches when it comes to speaking the truth and I would not suspect he would start now. Bongino is exactly the type of leader that more people need to see in office since he sticks to his principles and is not swayed by others.

Bongino just proved that again when he gave his OWN on-air network, Cumulus Radio an ultimatum concerning vaccine mandates.

Bongino went on air and told the mega radio network that “you can’t have both of us.”

The former secret service agent and police officer went live on the air earlier this week throttling the network for forcing vaccine mandates on people.

Bongino who is vaccinated said that he is doing this  “for other employees who don’t have a platform to fight back as they risk unemployment if they don’t comply.”

Bongino went on to explain how these mandates need to be thought of and for these corporate big wigs to stop being so blazé about it all.

“Imagine the countless number of individuals trying to explain. Have these companies ever thought of that? The countless numbers of moms and dads who are sitting at some kitchen table explaining to their kids how they may have to move out — how daddy doesn’t have a job — because a bunch of people in a C-suite thought it would be a good idea to sit around and play pretend Dr. [Anthony] Fauci for a moment, and mandate people jam something in their bodies that they don’t want to take?” Bongino said.

“Have you ever put yourself in that role? Have you ever put yourself in that at that kitchen table with mom and dad telling the kids that?” he added during the broadcast.

In another tweet, Bongino publicly called out Cumulus, saying, “I’m not letting this go.”

“I’m not even considering letting it go. I’m announcing it publicly so you know I’m not letting it go,” he added.

Cumulus Radio announced a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for its employees on Aug. 12.

“In a message to employees, CEO Mary Berner stated that all employees must have received their full dose of one of the available vaccines by Sept. 27 — two weeks prior to the scheduled return date,” Inside Radio noted at the time.

The statement included various exceptions to the mandate. The outlet noted Cumulus Media has a workforce of approximately 4,000 people and runs more than 400 stations in 80 markets.

We all need to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough with people and these mandates for vaccines. We all have the right to decide what we do with our bodies and if we do not want a shot we should not be forced to. This is America for crying out loud.

The land of the free and the home of the brave!

It appears that the thought process is gone when a virus with a 99% survival rate comes barreling through.

Sheesh, how in the world did this happen?