A shocking series of events took place after a West Virginian woman went into the woods with her boyfriend and a metal detector. As it turns out, she would find an old metal box buried in the dirt — and she broke down crying after seeing what was inside.
Video of the incident was posted to YouTube by a man named Ryan Parsons. According to Mail Online, he and his girlfriend Lisa had gone out to the woods in Kabletown, West Virginia, for what was supposed to be the woman’s “first real metal detecting adventure,” according to the video’s description. However, things wouldn’t exactly go as she had anticipated.
While the two were already having a good time and even managed to dig up a few small relics, something rather spectacular happened. Come to find out, the pair stumbled across a rather large object in the ground. Doing as anyone would with a metal detector going crazy, they started digging until they found the item that had set off their devices.
Freeing it from under the rock and soil, you can imagine the duo’s surprise when they pulled out an old, rusty box — but the best was yet to come. Clearly seen in the footage, Ryan and Lisa were beside themselves after they made their little discovery, but then, it was time for the best part.
Excited, the two noticed something odd. As it turns out, there was writing on the box. Ryan quickly realized that it said Matthew 13:44, but that’s not all. At first, Lisa thought another set of numbers across the lid, which read 1822, could have been the date it was buried, but they quickly debunked that theory.
Wiping away more of the dirt and mud, it wasn’t long before they realized that it actually read “Proverbs 18:22,” another Bible verse. Conveniently, the couple had a Bible with them, so they whipped it out to see what the verses said. Starting with Matthew 13:44, Ryan quoted, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
After Ryan wiggled the lid from the box, revealing something wrapped in a white cloth, he continued, reading from the Bible. Reciting Proverbs 18:22, the second verse that was inscribed on the mysterious box, you can imagine Lisa’s shock as she heard the words, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing.”
“No way,” Lisa shouted, only to watch as Ryan removed another box from inside the metal treasure they had found. He then opened it, revealing an engagement ring inside. Just like that, Ryan topped off the experience by asking Lisa, “Will you marry me?” Fortunately, she said yes before breaking down into tears of joy.