When this dying nine-year-old boy said, I gotta quit, his dad’s reply was utterly heartbreaking. When Bill Kohler’s nine-year-old son, Aidan was diagnosed with terminal cancer, his entire world was turned upside down. Down understandably, the brave boy and his dad refused to give up without a fight, and they held on for as long as they could.
But when Aden told him, I got to quit, Bill realized that the struggle was over. And what the father said next was incredibly heartbreaking. In August 2016, Aidan Ziegler Kohler lived with his family in York, Pennsylvania, and was a regular nine-year-old boy. Like many young kids his age, for instance, Aidan was extremely active and loved to play football. But one day that month, Aiden and his family’s lives changed in the blink of an eye. Indeed, the youngster had been at football practice when he suddenly collapsed. His parents Consequently rushed him to a nearby hospital, and the doctors told them that their son had suffered a concussion. However, in the days that followed, Aiden’s condition began to deteriorate. He was, in fact, losing his ability to speak and some of his motor skills. Read the full story here ▶