When Chahat Kumar of Punjab, India, was born, everything looked fine — her weight was perfectly normal. But when she reached the age of four months, there was a dramatic change in her body that took everyone by surprise.
“When Chahat was born, she was like normal kids. After four months, we realized that her weight was increasing,” recalled Chahat’s mother, Reena Kumar.
“She gets hungrier than other babies. She demands food and milk often,” added Chahat’s father, Suraj Kumar.
After noticing Chahat’s dramatic weight increase, her parents started trying to find out what might be causing it. They took their daughter to see the doctor to get a blood test. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to draw blood because Chahat’s skin was too thick.
Chahat’s doctor had never seen such a case of a child’s weight shooting up so quickly four to five months after birth.
At only eight months old, Chahat weighed a staggering 38 lbs — that’s double the weight of a normal child her age. In fact, it’s more like the average weight of a four-year-old child!
So far the doctors haven’t been able to get to the bottom of the child’s obesity, but they are hoping to find the right treatment soon.
“Once the treatment starts, her weight may decrease eventually and the child can fall into the normal weight category,” said Dr. Sharma, who’s been following the case since the beginning.
It’s saddening to see that Chahat has trouble moving and is not very agile.
“We want Chahat to be able to play like normal kids. We don’t want her to have difficulties in the future. We want a good future for her,” said her mom.
Chahat’s weight is really alarming and it’s obvious that her health could be in serious danger. Let’s hope the doctors find the cause of her obesity soon and are able to treat her quickly. The bigger she gets, the harder it will be for her body and heart to cope with the increasing weight.
It’s a vivid reminder of the importance of a healthy lifestyle for children. A diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and lots of physical activity is the only way to give kids the best possible chance of developing into healthy adults.
You can find out more about Chahat’s story in this video…