A disturbing incident recently unfolded inside a home in Blackfoot, Idaho, and it will undoubtedly make just about anyone cringe. Unfortunately, an innocent 18-month-old baby boy fell out of his crib and eventually died from his injuries. However, after hearing the doctor’s diagnosis, cops were horrified to expose the sick secret that the boy’s mother’s boyfriend was hiding all along – and it’s truly sickening.
It all began when Jesus Adan Castillo and his girlfriend had some alcoholic beverages while they ate dinner. After drinking a bit too much, the young mother decided to put her 18-month-old son, Zachary Tendoy, to bed, before going to bed herself.
Meanwhile, her boyfriend, Castillo, made his way to take a quick shower. However, while he was in the bathroom, he heard a loud thud come from Zachary’s room and immediately rushed to see what had happened. Unfortunately, when he got there, he claimed that he found the toddler on the floor, “acting dazed.” The child’s condition only worsened, leaving Castillo no choice but to wake the boy’s mother and call 911.
Unfortunately, when cops arrived on the scene, something didn’t seem right. Police and paramedics found Zachary, “laying limp on the floor with vomit on his chest,” according to KTLA. “His pupils were fully dilated and his skin tone was described as bluish-gray.”
The boy, who was clearly fighting for his life, was rushed to Bingham Memorial Hospital, where tests revealed that he had suffered multiple skull fractures on both sides of his head along with brain swelling. In addition, he suffered from severe traumatic injuries, including tears in his major blood vessels, valves, and retinal hemorrhaging in his eyes. Unfortunately, little Zachary died as a result of his injuries.
After investigators learned about the boy’s additional injuries, they called Castillo in for another interview. It was then that they learned Castillo’s sick secret. He had violently beaten the boy for “bothering him.”
Although Zachary did fall out of the crib, Castillo let his temper flare and attacked the young boy. Not only did he push Zachary several times, but he “heel kicked” him in the stomach and smashed his head into a door frame. Of course, the toddler, who was clearly in pain, cried for help as Castillo simply picked him up and tossed him into his playpen. When the boy still continued to cry, Castillo admitted to picking him back up, shaking him, and hitting him as hard as he could, several different times.
Castillo has since been charged with first-degree murder, according to Crime Online. He currently remains in the Bingham County Jail on a $1 million bond, and he faces up to life in prison.
Unfortunately, this innocent child lost his life because a cowardly man couldn’t handle his alcohol and rage. Although it may seem like he’s getting off easy by potentially spending the rest of his life in prison, we all know that’s not the case. Not only will his cellmates learn of his sick crime, but God also knows exactly what happened to the innocent child. In fact, it is His eternal punishment of hell that will truly teach this sick man a lesson for what he did.