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Thug Shot Cop 4 Times, Officer Shows Up at Court With a “Little Gift”

A violent criminal who tried to murder a Florida cop has been sentenced to life in prison after shooting the law enforcement officer four times. Now, video footage from inside the courtroom has gone viral after the cop showed up to deliver a special going away gift for the smug thug.

Kevin Rojas was just 19 years old when he tried to kill an undercover Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office officer who was in his car with his teenage son. When the off-duty officer, who was taking his son to school, saw Rojas driving erratically, the cop decided to make a traffic stop. Rojas got out of his car and shot through the windshield of the officer’s vehicle, striking him four times. Luckily, the officer’s teenage son was unhurt in the incident. The officer, however, was struck in the face, stomach, and hand. Read the full story here ▶