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This Wife Was Angry ,Her Husband Always Worked Late, Until She Found Out Why!

Indiana natives. David and Jonah met when they were both in their twenties, but they couldn’t have been more different. David grew up in a hard working Amish community, while Jonah made a living writing a blog on the Internet. Regardless, they loved each other and decided to get married. But when David started coming home late, Jonah suspected the worst.

Determined to find out why he worked such long hours, Jonah began to think what she didn’t expect was to figure out the why and feel beyond guilty for being angry.

David and Jonah were in their 20s when they met back in the year 2012. It was a quick romance, and on Thanksgiving about a year later, David proposed in front of their friends and family. At the time, Jonah was pregnant with their little girl. The proposal was perfect. They were going to start a family together. Read the full article here ▶