Five is more than one
Many couples dream of having children. For some, it comes easily. For others, it can be much more difficult. And then there are those who get rewarded for their efforts in very surprisingways…
A good example from this last category is the story of Rachelle and Jayson Wilkinson from Texas. And however surprised you might be, you can bet they were more so. They’d been married several years and were fortunate enough to have two children already, Kaiya and Riley. Now they were longing for a third. They tried… and tried… but no luck.
Check out this video about the Wilkinson’s pregnancy and life together:
Still, they didn’t give up and even started a course of fertility treatment. Rachelle was prescribed hormones and soon they seemed to pay off: she was pregnant again! When they went in for the first ultrasound, the doctor excitedly announced that there were two heartbeats — they were going to have twins! The Wilkinsons were thrilled.
The story could have ended there, but it was not to be. The next time they went to the doctor there were more heartbeats. One, two — there were the twins. Wait, here’s a third… and another. And… it didn’t stop there. There were five, count them, FIVE babies in there. Rachelle was pregnant with quintuplets, a circumstance that sometimes befalls fertility treatment patients.
“The word ‘shocked’ only begins to describe what I felt at that moment,” she wrote on her blog.
They faced an incredibly complex decision, but in the end Jayson and Rachelle decided that they would continue with the dangerous multiple pregnancy, hoping that all the babies would make it. Against the odds, all the babies developed well! How incredibly lucky and rare that the story took this turn.
And as a result Rachelle got bigger and bigger! Here she is at 33 weeks:
Then on the unforgettable day of July 20, 2007, five healthy babies arrived, three girls and two boys. They named them Kassidy, Kaydence, Kyndall, Rustin, and Ryder.
Everyone close to the Wilkinsons wanted to be there to help on the special day: in the end, 29 people were in the delivery room…
But the story hardly ended there — that was only the beginning. When you want a taste of what it’s like to have quintuplets, you can watch the sweet, funny videos that Jayson uploads to youtube of his family of nine!