When doctors first confirmed the news that 37-year-old Victoria Bradley (pictured below) and Paul Curran were going to have a baby, they could not have been more delighted. The couple, who live in Liverpool, Merseyside, in the United Kingdom, had dreamed of growing their family for years and anticipated welcoming their little one with open arms. However, everything changed on a dime at Victoria’s twenty-four-week mark in her pregnancy when the little baby had to be delivered early to save her life.
Francesca had barely made it to a point in the pregnancy where doctors were obligated to help her. If she had come only two days prior, she would have been born during a part of the pregnancy, which would have classified the baby as “unviable,” and doctors would not have done what they could to save her life.
Fortunately, Francesca was given the best care available. Nevertheless, doctors feared she would not be able to beat the odds and survive for very long. She weighed just one pound six ounces at birth, and her feet were as small as pennies!
Doctors feared that even if they could help little Francesca survive, she would never be able to enjoy life like other children. Doctors warned Victoria and Paul that their little girl might never be able to walk and probably would never talk.
Fortunately, the hospital provided Francesca with the best care they could, even though they were not hopeful she’d be able to survive the past many days. If it wasn’t for their continued dedication – and the unflinching hope of Francesca’s parents – the premature baby might not have made it long enough to experience a miracle that would save her life.
Francesca was able to turn around her health so effectively that she survived despite the doctors’ grim warnings.
Inside Edition ran a report on Francesca’s birth and how she was able to survive and thrive despite having feet as small as pennies. Even Francesca’s doctors had to admit their predictions had been wrong.
Thousands of people shared comments on the Inside Edition YouTube video expressing how thrilled they were by the good news.

“She looks so healthy, I wouldn’t also think she would’ve survived, but this is clearly a miracle.”
“My neighbors have a son who was born at 23 weeks and 4 or 5 days, but now he is a handsome, kind, and responsible nine-year-old.”
What do you think about this miracle baby?