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People Ignored This Blind And Homeless Man’s Sign Until A girl Changed It For Him

Samantha walked past a blind bagger on the street and saw that his cap was still empty, despite being there all day after reading the sun he was holding, she decided to make some changes altering the course of the beggar stay in the process. Samantha walked quickly as she corsed through a bustling Street in New York, tons of people littered the area and the sound of car horns blared in the air. The characteristic smell of asphalt and smoke tickled her nose as she accelerated her step. It was way past noon and she had yet to eat because it had been a hectic day. Much like most of her days, working at an advertising agency.

She finally found a window to step out for a sandwich, but she had to return quickly. She was finishing a big project for an important client that could change her career Samantha was in her late 20s and one of the best in her field already so her boss placed so much trust in her, but just as she got closer to the sandwich shop. Read the full story here ▶