Few would argue that dollar bills are the pennies of the paper money world. We often consider them practically useless unless we’re riding the bus or need to make change for a parking meter or laundry. I even know people who won’t bother to stop in the street to pick up a stray dollar bill blowing in the wind.
Would you look at them differently? Would you give them a second chance?
Unless you’re Warren Buffett or Bill Gates, of course you would – and they probably would too because they understand that every dollar counts. While this guy spent his entire life picking up pennies only to make a few thousand bucks, he could have focused on collecting dollar bills and made so much more in one shot.
How can you get rich off a $1? It all has to do with the serial numbers printed on it. While every serial number has the same probability of being printed, some come in unique patterns. Scroll down to learn more about this…
You probably already know that a Powerball drawing of 14, 20, 42,49, 66, 05 is just as likely as 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06.
Although the serial numbers are not completely random, like a lottery drawing, they do have random characteristics that make it possible that you have an extremely valuable dollar in your pocket right now. Go on. Check. I’ll wait…
CoolSerialNumbers.com published an entire list of the serial numbers on dollar bills that they’re willing to pay tons of money to obtain. They will hand over hundreds and sometimes even thousands for a dollar bill with the right serial number.
The website has published their “want list” which you can download by visiting their site.
What are some things they’re looking for?
-Super radars like 01111110, 10000001, or 80000008
-Repeaters like 67676767
-Double quads like 11110000
-0 and 9 binaries like 00090000
-1 and 8 binaries like 81188118
-And more!
Plus, “we’re always looking for other cool stuff,” they say, so if you find a cool serial number on your dollar bill, contact them and see how much they’ll pay!
Did you ever guess that people were willing to fork over thousands for particular dollar bills? Because coin collectors are a known population, it is not a far stretch of the imagination to think that people are out there buying paper currency as well. You just need to know where to look.
Check your pockets? Do you have a cool serial number? Let us know in the comments below! Then…
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