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Outback Workers Wish Nobody Saw Message They Wrote On Cops’ Receipt

Four Louisiana police officers were working their shifts as normal, and when they became hungry, they decided to go to Outback Steakhouse to grab a bite to eat for dinner. What they didn’t know was that as soon as they walked in the door, the manager and server took notice of their uniforms and planned to send them a message on their receipt.

The incident unfolded at an Outback Steakhouse in Slidell, Louisiana, where four on-duty local officers went in to grab some dinner, according to Fox8. Their meal was served as it should be, and there wasn’t really anything that stood out about the night until they received their receipt and were hit with a huge surprise.

“They’re the sweetest guys,” said Zoe Rao, who is a waitress at the Outback Steakhouse where the incident occurred. “I enjoy waiting on them.” However, what happened next drew lots of attention on social media. Read the full story here ▶