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News Briefs 4/23/21

Dewey budget committee to meet

The Dewey Beach Budget and Finance Committee will meet virtually at 4 p.m., Friday, April 23, to discuss the budget performance for the 2021 fiscal year, the newly approved 2022 fiscal year budget and the hotel lodging tax, as well as new revenue stream opportunities for the town. A link to the meeting is available at

Rehoboth BofA meeting canceled

The Rehoboth Beach Board of Adjustment meeting scheduled for Monday, April 26, has been canceled due to a lack of agenda items. The next board of adjustment meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 24.

Rehoboth shade tree commission to meet

The Rehoboth Beach Parks & Shade Tree Commission will meet virtually at 10 a.m., Monday, April 26. 

The agenda calls for discussion regarding the request by city commissioners for information about the tree ordinance.

Those wishing to speak must preregister by emailing City Secretary Ann Womack, [email protected], at least 24 hours before the meeting. A full agenda and meeting materials are accessible at For more information, call 302-227-6181.

Special Rehoboth meeting set April 27

Rehoboth Beach commissioners have scheduled a virtual special meeting for 3 p.m., Tuesday, April 27. 

The agenda calls for discussions on multiple COVID-related topics, including outdoor dining and mask wearing. 

Those wishing to speak must preregister by emailing City Secretary Ann Womack, [email protected], at least 24 hours before the meeting. A full agenda and meeting materials are accessible at For more information, call 302-227-6181.

Rehoboth brings back spring bulk pickup

After a year off because of COVID-related concerns, Rehoboth Beach will bring back its annual spring bulk pickup from Monday to Friday, April 26 to 30, citywide. Items should be placed in front of the property line and on the same side of the street as the property, no more than 24 hours before pickup. Sidewalks and traffic must not be blocked.

Appliances and other electrical items must be handled in a specific manner; go to for complete details on the bulk pickup program, as well as on trash collection, recycling and yard waste. There also is a trash collection calendar on the website.

For more information, contact the communications department at 302-227-6181, Ext. 522 or [email protected].

New communication director in Rehoboth

Rehoboth Beach has hired a new communication director. Lynne Coan’s first day on the job was April 19. 

According to a story in the Sun Gazette, Coan was most recently the director of communications and marketing for Vienna, Va. Coan is replacing Krys Johnson, who stepped down in January.

Sussex council meeting April 27

Sussex County Council will meet at 10 a.m., Tuesday, April 27, in Room 540 of the Carter Partnership Center at Delaware Technical Community College, 21179 College Dr., Georgetown. Included on the agenda is discussion of a proposed solid waste revenue bond up to $60 million for Bioenergy Innovation Center, a poultry processing plant waste-recycling facility south of Seaford approved by council April 20. See a complete agenda and meeting materials at Meetings are held in person, and available via livestream at and by phone by calling 302-394-5036 using code 570176.

Lewes Hazardous Waste Collection Day

Lewes Board of Public Works’ Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Collection Day will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, April 24, at the old power plant at 227 Schley Ave. To view a list of acceptable items, go to

Lewes Drug Take Back Day set April 24

Lewes Police Department will participate in National Drug Take Back Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, April 24, at the old power plant at 227 Schley Ave. This is an opportunity for residents to turn in unused or expired medication for safe disposal. For details, go to

Controlled burn of phragmites set

As part of the City of Lewes five-year phragmites management plan, the city and the Delaware State Forest Service have planned a controlled burn of portions of the marsh Friday, April 23. The burn will begin about 9 a.m. and should be complete by midday. The focus area will be the marsh between Cedar Street and the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal.

Lewes Mayor and City Council meet April 26

Lewes Mayor and City Council will meet virtually at 7 p.m., Monday, April 26. The group will discuss a possible agreement for placement of the railroad swing bridge on a city parcel at the end of American Legion Road. Other topics include reconsideration of a contract award for the rehabilitation of the tennis, pickleball and basketball courts at Canalfront Park; discussion of renewing a hunting lease for Great Marsh Associates; and possible action on an ordinance to amend city code related to maintenance and repair of public streets and sidewalks. Under new business, officials will discuss an ordinance to amend city code related to blocking streets or rights of way, complaints regarding diversity in hiring and appointments by the city, and a proposal from the Department of Transportation to impose parking restrictions on Cape Henlopen Drive. A link can be found on the agenda at

Holly Lake applies to install HDPE piping

Holly Lake Campground, 32087 Holly Lake Road, Millsboro, has submitted an application to the state’s Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section seeking to install six 36-inch-diameter, 27-foot-long, high-density polyethylene pipes in Phillips Branch, and to install six 36-inch-diameter, 36-foot-long HDPE pipes in Unity Branch. The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control issued a public notice on the application April 14. The documents and application are available by contacting Gayle Calder, Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section, at 302-739-9943. Comments must be received by Tuesday, May 4.

Sussex P&Z approves preliminary plans

At its April 8 meeting, Sussex County Planning and Zoning Commission approved a preliminary site plan for Donovan’s Painting and Drywall LLC for a 2,599-square-foot office and a 1,794-square-foot storage building on the south side of Route 9 near the Church Street intersection, Lewes. The plan includes 13 parking spaces, an infiltration stormwater basin and other site improvements.

Also, the commission approved a preliminary site plan for a 160-foot elevated water storage tank to be constructed by Artesian Utilities Inc. on the grounds of Beacon Middle School off Mulberry Knoll Road between Lewes and Rehoboth Beach.

New Sussex company will make park models

Sussex County Council has approved a 30-year lease for a new company on a 7-acre site at the Delaware Coastal Business Park near Georgetown. Great Outdoor Cottages LLC will manufacture RV park model cottages. Bill Pfaff, Sussex County director of economic development, said the start-up company will employ more than 60 people in the first year with an anticipated increase to more than 150 employees within two years.