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Mysterious Gold Box Found At Thrift Store Stuns Shoppers (Video)

Have you ever found an unexpected treasure while browsing at a thrift shop?

Most towns and cities have at least one thrift store. Some thrift stores, like the one in the video, will get their merchandise from storage units that have been abandoned or repossessed.

At a thrift store in the D.C area, the store owner said she could just have the gold box that was sitting on the shelf.

When they got home, they wanted to open it up to see what was inside.

They were not prepared for what they found.

Inside the box were the cremated remains of a 61-year-old man who died in 2014.

Please watch the video to learn more about this box and its contents.

Take a look at this video

It is important that we share this story like crazy!

The man’s family needs to be found.