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Mum’s plea to help disabled twin boys play outside like other children

Playing outside is what every kid loves to do the most – but for two disabled twin boys, they are unable to play safely in their own garden.

Ruth Smith’s three-year-olds, Matthew and James, were diagnosed with cerebral palsy after being born nine weeks early.

Their condition means they struggle to play independently outside at their home in Eagle and need specialist equipment to help them.

The full-time mum and her husband, Andrew Smith, a managing director of Newark Copper Cylinders have scrimped and saved but have been unable to find the cash needed to build the adaptations that would ultimately change their life.

So in a hopeful appeal, Mrs Smith has launched a Just Giving page to try and get the funds together.

Ruth Smith and her kids with her husband
Ruth Smith and her kids with her husband

“We are fed up of struggling and fed up of the boys not being able to do things independently,” said the 33-year-old, who has two other children.

“I am so proud of them but my heart breaks every day for them too.

“We just thought we’d try a bit of fundraising to make some adaptations and improvements in the home and garden to try and and make things easier for them.

“We simply can’t afford to do it as I am a full-time mum and don’t work and my husband’s wages only cover the basics.

“We are not looking for a full house renovation or anything. Mainly at the moment we would love to resurface the patio area and have some ramps fitted for easier access.”

She wants to make adaptations the garden for her boys
She wants to make adaptations the garden for her boys

The mum says it will change the lives of her sons but is keen to stress that she doesn’t want to be viewed as a charity case.

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“In time I hope it would mean my boys could move around a little easier and be able to access the garden easier as they love being outside.

“It would mean I could watch them happy and enjoying themselves as all children should be able to rather than getting frustrated and agitated when they can’t do something or their equipment gets stuck.

“I haven’t made the page just expecting people to offer their money for nothing.

“I don’t want people to think we are a charity. It’s just a bit of fundraising and I am holding one or two events myself, with the next being a pop-up tea room.

“It’s hard to put it into words, but if we did it [raise the money] it would just be a dream come true.”

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