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Mom Smells Something Gross When Baby Burps, Looks At Friend In Horror

An Oklahoma mother woke to her baby girl crying while staying over at a friend’s home in Tulsa. She picked the little girl up to calm her down when the baby burped inches from the mother’s face. She was instantly overwhelmed with a disgusting smell that she immediately recognized and caused her to look at her friend in horror.

Monique Bibbs had her 3-month-old daughter in tow when she went to the friend’s house over the weekend for a party. She put the baby to bed, as the adult friends drank until they eventually either passed out or fell asleep. Monique was awoken the following morning, having forgotten to feed her infant, who was now crying for a bottle. However, moments after the 36-year-old mixed the formula and fed it to her, she realized what happened and looked at her friend in horror. Read the full story here ▶