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Marine Dad Confronts School, Claims They Pushed Islamic Beliefs On His Daughter

When a Marine Corps veteran saw the lessons his daughter was receiving in class, he decided to confront the school. According to the dad, educators were pushing Islamic beliefs on his child, and he wanted to put a stop to it. The school retaliated in a big way.

Kevin Wood Marine Dad Confronts School Claims They Pushed Islam On His Daughter
Kevin Wood with his wife Melissa and daughter Caleigh (Photo Credit: Facebook)

John “Kevin” Wood, who served eight years in the Marine Corps, and his wife Melissa were not happy when they saw the assignments that were being circulated in their daughter’s World History class at La Plata High School in La Plata, Maryland. According to the parents, the controversial lessons being provided by the public school system amounted to Islamic propaganda, and they decided to complain, Washington Free Beacon reported. Read the full story here ▶