The then-31-year-old man, Cane, confessed to ra-ing a woman and biting off a chunk of her face, which landed him in an institute where he continued his behavior by launching a series of violent and se-ual attacks on staff member.
“Cane stated his goal was to be placed in a community where he could kill and ra-e the first female he came in contact with,” said Dr. Anderson. “He’s threatened to rape and kill his sisters, licking peers’ doorknobs and expressing that he wants to have se* with them. Cane can also be destructive and be abusive towards animals.” Anderson also confirmed that Cane was stating he wanted to grab a 3- to 6-year-old and have se* with them.
Unfortunately, despite him promising to continue his reign of terror as soon as he was freed, Judge O’Connell decided the defendant was mentally incompetent to stand trial. Read the full story here ▶