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Man Slips Into Girl’s Bed To Rape Her, Stabbed Multiple Times By Victim’s Sister

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means work, deed or action, according to Wikipedia.

It also is a spiritual principle that good deeds will contribute to good karma and bad deeds will cause future suffering.

You know what they say about karma that it is a b**ch… Joseph Hernandez learned that lesson the hard way.

The El Paso man was found in an apartment – he had been stabbed.

Instead of taking him to the hospital, the police arrested him first! Hernandez had reportedly been stabbed after molesting a girl.

The girl went to the bathroom, came back and found Hernandez touching her sister inappropriately.

So, she went into the kitchen, grabbed a knife and stabbed him more than once!

Take a look at this beast

man stabbed for rape
Image Credit: N/A

Hernandez suffered minor stab wounds and was treated at a local hospital.

He was also charged with sexual assault of a child under 17.