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Man Captures Images of Homeless People and Recognizes Mom He Lost 30 Years Ago in One of Them

A man captured images of homeless people and recognized his mom, whom he lost 30 years ago, in one of them. The photographer tracked down his long-lost mother through the photographs he had taken and discovered the heartbreaking reason for her homelessness.

Curtis Floyd adored photography ever since he was a child. His father, Dylan, maintained a tiny studio where Curtis generally spent time after classes. When he saw his father use the camera, he always dreamed of the day he’d own one as a professional photographer.

So, after completing high school, he enrolled himself in a photography course at the State University and began interning with a firm to gain valuable experience. By the time he graduated from university, he had his sights set on winning an annual international competition that took portfolios from undergraduate learners all around the world, providing the winner the opportunity to collaborate with one of the world’s top photographers. Read the full story here ▶