Few things are as uplifting as a young child with faith. It demonstrates how brave they are and how they are courageous enough to face the trials and tribulations of the world. Nine-year-old Bailey Cooper was no exception. When doctors diagnosed him with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma at his age, his family was devastated. Bailey was distraught too, but he knew that a higher power was there to help him through the challenge.
Bailey fought cancer and won. Just months after his diagnosis, doctors revealed that he was in remission. Bailey, at the age of nine, had become a cancer survivor. A feat that anyone at any age can celebrate.
He returned to school and resumed his life as if nothing happened. But then things started to go wrong, and Bailey got sick again. Doctors were forced to say the three words they dreaded speaking to a boy like Bailey – “You have cancer.” But it was undeniable. Cancer was back and with a vengeance, and this time doctors were not as confident that his treatment would be effective.
Again Bailey fought and won. The cancer went into remission, and his family hoped and prayed it would be the final time. But it wasn’t. That winter it returned. And doctors could not say for certain that they could save him.
Bailey’s father was devastated. He said, “(The consultant) broke the news to us. It was late Stage Four, and it was even worse. It was very aggressive.”
Although Bailey felt defeated, he did not give up. He had plans to win. And because his mother had just gotten pregnant again, he wanted to beat cancer so he could meet his baby sister. The family prayed that he would get his wish. It was so noble and so honorable.
Doctors said that cancer had spread to all his organs. Bailey had only days to live, weeks at most. Bailey’s baby sister wasn’t due for months. He had no chance to see her, doctors said. But Bailey was adamant that he would. He promised his family that he would be there to welcome her into the world. And his parents wanted to indulge him. They allowed Bailey to pick his baby sister’s name.
His mother Rachel said, “He hugged her and did everything an older brother would do. Changed her, washed her, sang to her.”
Through it all, Bailey grew weaker and weaker. But his love grew larger and larger.
His grandmother came to him and told him that she wished she could take his place. Bailey responded: “That is really selfish Nan! You have grandchildren to take care of.”
When God started to call Bailey up to Heaven, Bailey looked at his parents and bravely said: “I want to stay, but it’s my time to go, to become her guardian angel.”
Bailey chose Millie. He loved her without having met her and could not wait to the day of her birth. And the impossible happened. He made it to the day Millie was born. It was a miracle.
And he will look after his sister Millie for the rest of her life.