The Lincolnshire Media Health Awards is a fantastic opportunity to showcase all our hard working health care professionals.
The awards will recognise doctors, nurses, pharmacy’s, innovators, midwives, non-medical teams behind the scene’s of the hospital and many more health care professionals.
This is our chance to thank all these dedicated people who are there for us when we need them the most.
The awards took place for the first time last year with more than 295 nominations received and more than 200 people attending the glitzy awards ceremony.
They are being held in association with Lincolnshire NHS and sponsored by Magna Vitae Trust for Leisure.
This year, the awards will take place on November 20 at the Doubletree by Hilton, Lincoln.

The award categories
Nurse of the Year:
This award recognises nurses for their excellence in practice and for the significant contribution that they make to their professions, their teams and their patients through their practice, leadership or research endeavour.
Please consider nominating a nurse, or managerial nurse who you feel deserves to be recognised for their service and dedication to the service or a nurse who has gone the extra mile to best help a patient.
They may be a hospital nurse, GP surgery nurse, community nurse, mental health nurse or children’s nurse. A nurse who has responded admirably in the face of huge pressure or adversity should also be considered.
Midwife of the Year:
This award recognises the enthusiasm and determination to improve the birth experience of all who they come into contact with.
Outstanding midwifery care may include acting as an advocate for women and as a role model to others, sustained commitment to advancing the profession; an ability to develop relationships with patients and colleagues by listening, communicating and responding to their needs.
A midwife who has responded admirably in the face of huge pressure or adversity should also be considered.
Doctor of the Year sponsored by BMI, The Lincoln Hospital:
This award seeks to recognise a doctor or paediatrician in a hospital, clinic or GP surgery, who has made an outstanding contribution to patient care.
We are looking for an individual that has made a real difference to the provision of care in their practice or hospital. There should be evidence their individual efforts and imagination have improved patient care and/or safety – through leading improvement projects, innovative training of doctor trainees or helping to turn a struggling practice/department around.
Particular credit will be given to applications which have gone the extra mile to support patients or overcome significant obstacles.
A doctor who has responded admirably in the face of huge pressure or adversity should also be considered.
Therapist of the Year:
This award recognises outstanding practice by an occupational therapist, speech therapist, podiatrist psychologist or physiotherapist.
We are looking for a therapist that has made a real difference to the provision of patient care in their practice or hospital.
There should be evidence their individual efforts has improved patient care and/or quality via their practice, leadership and or research endeavour.

GP Practice of the Year sponsored by Duncan & Toplis chartered accountants and business advisors:
This award seeks to recognise the multidisciplinary team, led by their practice manager, that has had the largest positive impact on improving patient care in their GP practice.
A successful application will outline how the team worked together to make a radical change in their practice and/or in their local area and how they achieved it.
We are looking for a holistic team approach that puts patient care first or examples of effective team work, staff motivation and a project that has clearly improved patient care.
Healthcare Assistant of the Year Award:
Do you know an outstanding healthcare assistant working within a multidisciplinary team? The award recognises the wide range of responsibilities and dedication of healthcare assistants who promote the highest standards of care across the whole health service. Healthcare assistants make a huge contribution to maintaining and protecting the health and well-being of people across Lincolnshire.
HCA’s could be working alongside nurses in hospitals or midwives in maternity services or in mental health, care homes, community or General Practice surgeries.
Support Staff of the Year Award sponsored by LILP:
This award recognises the unsung hero. We are looking for someone who consistently goes above and beyond – going the extra mile for the benefit of patients.
We are looking for an outstanding backroom staff member, porter, admin staff member, secretary, chaplain, caterer or housekeeper.
Volunteer of the Year Award:
This award recognises a volunteer or voluntary team who work tirelessly and generously give their free time, enthusiasm and energy to help improve the local healthcare services, facilities and support for patients, visitors and their families.
Clinical Team of the Year:
This award recognises a clinical team in a hospital, community or primary care which consistently demonstrates good team working, to deliver an efficient and high performing service and improve patient care.
Non-clinical Team of the Year:
This award recognises a non-clinical team which consistently demonstrate good team working, to deliver an efficient and high performing service.

Rising Star of the Year:
This award seeks a newly qualified clinician or non-clinician who is committed to professional development.
We are looking for significant progress and have shown real drive to improve their learning outcomes and act as a role model and positive influence on peers.
This person will display huge potential for the future.
Pharmacy Team of the Year:
A pharmacy’s biggest asset is its staff – its pharmacy team. We’re looking for a pharmacy delivering great patient care.
Tell us how your team puts the pharmacy at the heart of the community it serves, how it has overcome obstacles by working together and how it has used individual skills and strengths to create an even more powerful team – all to the benefit of patients.
Paramedic/First Responder of the Year:
Paramedics and first responders play a pivotal role on the frontline. This reward recognises a paramedic or first responder who has worked heroics to save a life or gone that extra mile for the benefit of a patient’s.
Research, Innovation, Education Award sponsored by Micronclean:
This award will go to the team/individual who have implemented an idea or innovative approach which has resulted in a saving of time or money, improved practice or a new way of working.
They may have carried out or published innovative research papers, been involved with clinical trials or taken part in training or education with the end result of benefitting patients.

Lifetime Achievement Award sponsored by Magna Vitae:
The Lifetime Achievement Award is looking for an individual who has an established history of distinguished service to the Healthcare industry in Lincolnshire, made a lasting contribution to local healthcare, exhibited leadership and provided inspiration to others and positively influenced the local healthcare profession.
The Lifetime Achievement Award is an individual award in recognition of a person’s outstanding contributions. These contributions may be a new innovation, new knowledge, or ways to improve professional practice.
Importantly, the contributions should be above and beyond the everyday and have had a long lasting impact within the healthcare community.
The individual should have a minimum of 20 years working in healthcare. (This award is
not open for entries and will be chosen by Lincolnshire Media, Lincolnshire’s NHS and Magna Vitae.)
Want to nominate someone?
Nominations are open now for this year’s Lincolnshire Media Health Awards.
The deadline for nominations is Sunday, October 7 at 12noon.
To nominate ENTER HERE
Alternatively, you can send in your name and contact details, along with who you are nominating and a 400 word statement as to why you are nominating them.
Please include contacts details of the person you are nominating.
You can email your nomination to [email protected]
You can also send them by post to Kimberley Spauls – Lincolnshire Health Awards, First Floor, Heritage House, Fisherman’s Wharf, Grimsby,
DN31 1SY