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In 1968, Her husband disappeared.50 years later the wife and children discover the shocking TRUTH

In 1968, her husband went hunting and disappeared. 50 years later, the wife and children discover the shocking truth. The story I’m going to tell you today took place 63 years ago because that’s when a loving family man and husband and father and successful businessman, Douglas Grenstead left home and disappeared without a trace. It’s hard to imagine that for many years his family mourned him and it was only decades later that they learned the shocking truth. Now the faithful wife and daughters will have to take the rap for the sins of the head of the family and live with this for the rest of their lives.

And it all began back in 1968 when Douglas, granted owner of a lucrative ritual agency, kissed his wife Barbara, hugged his daughters and went for a couple of weeks in the woods to Hunt.It was worth noting that his wife and daughters let him go at ease, as Douglas was a skilled Hunter and was often away hunting in the woods for days at a time. Read the full story here ▶