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Husband Comes Home To Find His Wife In The Crib With The Baby. Then He Realizes The Tragic

Those who are parents know that being one is probably the happiest moment in the life. When you become a mom for the first time, you are extremely happy and you want to share this happiness and love with the whole world.

That is why this mom decided to share the picture of her crawling into the crib to be with her baby. She posted this picture online and it touched the hearts of mothers all around the world, when they saw the reason why. Her name is Dayna and she wrote this on Facebook”

This was from several weeks back, yes, I climbed in the crib in hopes to soothe my screaming, teething, blushed-faced, and tear-soaked little girl”.

“My husband came home to this, and I am re-posting because this captures the essence of myheart, and my “why…”

Shortly after Luella was born, Dayna attended a speech given by a missionary, which told an amazing story from the orphanage where he worked. While he was there, he noticed something really strange- complete and utter silence.

The pastor went on explaining why 100 orphas stopped crying. He said that the babies eventually stopped crying because deep down they new no one will ever come for them.

Dayna was completely shocked, heartbroken and she fell to her knees at the auditorium. After the speech, Dayna felt like a new mom, and then she promised that she would never let her baby cry without coming to her. The missionary’s speech changed the way she viewed motherhood forever.

Dayna explains: “We came home, and that night as Luella rested her tiny little 10lb body against mine and we rocked, I made a promise to her. A promise that I would always come to her.


“At 2:00am when pitiful desperate squeals come through a baby monitor, I will come to her.

She says that they, as her parents, will always be by her side, whenever she needs them, whenever she is heartbroken.

Her first hurt, her first heartbreak, we will come to her. We will be there to hold her, to let her feel, to make decisions on her own, and we will be there. We will show her through our tears and frustrations at times, that it is okay to cry, and it’s ok to feel. That we will always be a safe place, and we will always come to her.”