For parents who have ever taken their child to a busy event, you most likely know that dreaded feeling: the split second that you think your child has gotten lost in the mass of people and sheer panic momentarily sinks in.
Maybe it’s never happened to you, but you still have anxiety that some day it will.
Thankfully the Clovis Police Department in California has shared a game-changing tip to help your family in this dreaded situation.
Between hot cars, bike accidents, and hammock concerns, it can seem like summer is the prime time for parents to go into over-protection mode. And if you plan to go to a large event, parade, or any kind of summer festival with your child—this handy idea is the #1 safety tip all parents should know.
In their tip-of-the-day Facebook post, the Clovis Police Department in California showed parents how to use liquid band aid to be prepared in the event that their child get separated from them, PopSugar reports.
First, just write your phone number on their wrist in a marker.