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Her Mysterious Illness Baffled Doctors For 10 Years Until Strangers Discovered The Problem Instantly

The doorbell rang. Kathi Wilson was coughing heavily as she sat there, hunched over on the couch. Then she grabbed her walking stick and stood up. She shuffled towards the door as her cane scraped the wooden floor. The contractors had come. They headed upstairs to complete the job while she went back to the place she was most comfortable in—her couch. She hoped that a short nap would get rid of her body aches, so she closed her eyes. Then, she heard them shouting her name.

Wilson was a 41-year-old woman living in Shelbyville, Indiana. She wasn’t necessarily a fitness champ, but she had lived an active life. She had no choice. She had to work hard to provide for her family. But ten years ago, she got sick. She assumed that work and stress had left her worn out. But her daughter was concerned and for a good reason. Read the full story here ▶