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He thought the elephant was just standing still looking through the binoculars he was shocked!

He thought the elephant was just standing still looking through the binoculars. He was shocked as the largest of all land mammals. African elephants play an important role in balancing natural ecosystems. They trample forests and dense grasslands, making room for smaller species to coexist. Elephants also create water holes used by other wildlife, as they dig dry riverbeds when rainfall is low.

Elephants are capable of changing and shaping the structure of a forest from plucking bunch of grass to breaking woods, they’re called as ecological engineers because their activities affects the lives of other living organisms. So it’s absolutely worth to note that the absence of elephants can cause too much loss to humans and this biodiversity and will eventually lose a good friend indeed they’re, instrumental in fertilizing the african plains, and they spread tree seeds everywhere, thus keeping other species alive and well. Read the full story here ▶