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Dem Strategist Gets Thrashed After She Publicly Mocks Trump Supporter For Driving an “Old Car”

A Democrat strategist and a former Lincoln Project alum decided it’d be a good idea to keep the stereotype of “smug, rude elitist Dems” going strong, so she went on the attack, and publicly mocked a Trump supporter who drives an older car.

This is Dr. Rachel Bitecofer, the woman who mocked the Trump supporter.


Bitecofer deleted the nasty tweet she sent out, but don’t worry, I figured she would do that so I grabbed a screenshot.

Rachel was commenting on another Democrats tweet who was lamenting over his neighbor’s pro-Trump yard. That person took a photo of the neighbor’s house and in the driveway you can see an older model car.

Not a big deal. Many people drive older cars, right? Certainly not a reason to mock someone.

But Rachel is a white liberal woman – literally the nastiest “breed” in the world, so he didn’t hold back.

Rachel saw the tweet and commented on it, saying, “Republican voter who can’t even afford a car from this century”




Rachel received a lot of backlash for that disgusting comment.

Here are some comments from people online.

“Are you making fun of the poor?”

“How’s this tweet working out for you?”

“Not everyone can put all their money towards food. Tell us how you do it.”

“Looks like you’ve spent your extra funds well propping up the snack cake industry. Too bad you can’t buy a longer life expectancy.”

“Your name is “Bitecofer” which means you couldn’t afford a name change”

“Making fun of the poor? Good job! How many poor children have you killed by eating enough for 10 families to live off of?”

“You’re so close to understanding why he’d vote trump, just so close!”

It’s hard to believe that the Dems used to be the party of the “working man.”

Now, they’re the party of smug, rude elites. Can you imagine that ghastly woman relating to anything “working class?”

And it’s not because she’s actually better than anyone or lives a more lavish, fulfilling life.


She’s just yet another elitist Democrat who *thinks* she’s better than the lowly peasants who voted for President Trump.