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Dad and stepmom starved, beat and kept locked in cage their 7 children; police in disbelief when they discovered that’s not the worst of it!

Prosecutors said the 31-year-old dad, later identified as Travis and his 33-year-old wife, Amanda, pleaded not guilty to the child abuse charges.

The father was indicted on 33 child abuse and two kidnapping charges. The stepmother was indicted on seven child abuse charges and also failing to protect children from substantial bodily harm. They pleaded not guilty on Tuesday and will soon head to trial.

Prosecutors said the children, ages 2 to 11, were reportedly found in a one-bedroom unit. The responding officers said that the 11-year-old boy in the cage, who was not identified due to his age, reportedly had two black eyes that were swollen shut, multiple marks and bruises all over his body, and he was emaciated. Read the full story here ▶