Evan, a high school student, is bored in the school library one day when he decides to scribble the words “I am bored” on his table. But when he came back the next day, he noticed that someone had unexpectedly written back to him!
The messages continue for a few days until one day, he comes to school and finds the library shut and the table with all their messages out of reach. He searches for this mystery girl until fate has them meet… but with a shocking twist.
Watch this short video and see if you can spot the signs:
This is actually a video from Sandy Hook Promise foundation, representing loved ones killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School almost four years ago. The video is a part of the gun-violence prevention group’s campaign called “Know the Signs.”
I don’t know about you but I definitely didn’t see this coming at all. This is an important video to highlight how we can look out for warning signs before an act of violence occurs.