A young home invader arrested after calling the police himself to report he was being raped by his victim’s dogs, has filed an $850,000 lawsuit against his victims, alleging physical and psychological trauma.
23-year old Jonas Carlson attempted to break into a Baton Rouge residence on February 26 by going through the residence’s pet door.
Bad plan, worst execution
Unfortunately for him, things didn’t work out exactly as planned and he got seriously stuck in the small entrance designed for dogs… and things only got worst from there.
According to the version of the events he presented in his lawsuit, the two German shepherds in the yard took advantage of his vulnerable position to tear his pants apart with their teeth and take turns raping him repeatedly.
Mr. Carlson claims the savage assault lasted more than an hour and a half non-stop before he called the police to turn himself in and 45 more minutes before the police arrived.
Excessive force or deserved punishment?
His lawyer, Ms. Anna Sheridan, says her client was seriously traumatized by the event and that the residence’s owner, 93-year old widow Thelma Matthews, is responsible for her dog’s behavior.
“The law is clear that guard dogs are permitted to use reasonable force to neutralize an intruder. Raping an unarmed young man for hours isn’t reasonable force.”
Ms. Matthews on the other hand, claims her dogs never sexually assaulted anyone before and says she doesn’t “intend to pay a dime to that little bastard“.
“That little jerk tried to rob a lonely old lady and got roughed a bit by two good protective dogs. He deserved it, while I did nothing to cause any of this.”

93-year old Thelma Matthews says her dogs are “good dogs” and says she will fight to keep them alive. She says the incident has also left her with her own psychological trauma and she feels no responsibility for Mr. Carlson’s trauma.
Legal battle in sight
Mr. Carlson demands a total of $857,250 in damages as well as the euthanasia of Ms. Matthews’ two dogs, Bingo and Ringo.
The elderly woman insists that no matter what the court decision is, she will refuse to pay Mr. Carlson, even threatening to “give every penny to charity and die ruined to make sure he gets nothing“.
Mr. Carlson is presently detained while waiting for his trial for burglary, so the court had suspended the beginning of the procedures in the civil lawsuit until May.
Experts disagree concerning the eventual outcome in this case which is expected to draw a lot of media attention. While most agree the demands are probably excessive, the opinions vary concerning Ms. Matthews’ legal responsibility in the young man’s psychological trauma.
The majority of experts believe the court will judge for a financial settlement estimated between $100,000 and $350,000.