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A woman adopted a blind CAT. At night he bravely “met” an uninvited GUEST

The story that we will talk about. Today is so unique that it has. Become a legend long ago and even. Found its way into literature. The thing is that the hero of our story is not a policeman or. Fireman and not even a super superhero. But rather an ordinary house cat named Homer. As you probably already guessed, the cat didn’t get such a strange name because. He could recite ancient Greek epics, but.

Rather because he was blind almost from birth. I’ll get ahead of myself to say. That despite his physical disability, this fluffy animal had a heart so brave that. It made him world famous. But friends, first things first. It happened on the streets of Miami more than 20 years ago when a. Tiny kitten with a terrible eye infection. Found himself alone on the street. Read the full story here ▶