Despite being only a few feet away from several swimmers and sunbathers, a little boy lost his life after drowning in a swimming pool in the western Turkish city of Manisa. On July 7, the 8-year-old boy named Yusuf Asaf Tiktas accompanied his parents, Saime and Engin Tiktas, for a dip in the pool.
While the parents were lounging beside the pool, Yusuf had splashed into the water by going down a slide on the edge of the pool. Within moments, Yusuf was seen drowning in the water, and his struggle to stay on the surface was captured by the security cameras.
Boy drowns in pool in front of parents who fail to spot him frantically waving for help
— The US Sun (@TheSunUS) July 16, 2021
Although there were other swimmers close by, nobody noticed the little boy drowning. His parents, Saime and Engin, were relaxing on the sun loungers and did not notice their son splashing around and struggling to keep his head above the water.
It took the parents a while to finally notice that their boy was in danger, according to Mirror. Finally, they dragged Yusuf out of the pool, but by then, a considerable amount of damage had already been done.
Yusuf was immediately checked by the onsite medical team and then rushed to the Hafsa Sultan Celal Bayar University Hospital. For several days, Yusuf fought to stay alive in the hospital but did not survive.
While he was drowning, the boy’s body did not receive enough oxygen, and this had a life-threatning effect on his brain. This eventually led to his death on July 12, and his distressed parents are grieving the immense loss.
Another incident of a boy losing his life in a pool was also recently reported from southern Turkey in the month of June. The 10-year-old child, Deniz Poyraz Karsli, was swimming in a baby pool at a water park when he was sucked to the bottom of the pool because of a faulty pump.
When Deniz was swimming in the pool, the water level in the pool was only about 1 feet high. Meanwhile, his mother, Dilan Karsli, was resting on a sunbed nearby, according to The Sun. The mother suddenly heard her nephews saying Deniz was stuck underwater.
By the time she ran to the pool, Dilan saw her son’s lifeless body stuck in a vaccum at the bottom of the pool.
“I tried to lift my son by myself, but the vacuum was drawn from the bottom, I could not succeed,” the mother said. “Someone who said he was a nurse came and we tried to get [him] out together, we couldn’t [do] it. I shouted [for] help [to] the people around, but they did not hear my scream.”
Once Deniz was finally out of the water, he was given CPR and soon taken to the hospital. However, the next day, the young boy passed away. “I lost my child due to neglect. I blame them all,” said Dilan, who believes a faulty pump is what caused her son’s death.
However, the owner of the water park claimed that the pool’s circulation system had no complaints.
“The pool in question is for toddlers and children between the ages of two and eight to enter under parental control,” the owner, Soner Cabuk, was quoted saying. “When we consider the height and weight of the deceased boy, it was not possible for him to be caught in the current of the circulation pump in the pool and drown there. I wish this sad event did not happen, but as a business, we are not at fault.”
An investigation has been launched to find out what exactly led to Deniz’s untimely death.