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This Worker Followed A Customer To Her Vehicle, And It’s A Good Thing I Pulled Out My Phone To Record Him

You never know when a surprise is going to come into your life. Perhaps, the person ahead of you paid for your coffee in the drive-thru. Or maybe you take a parking spot in the city and find that the meter was already paid for an hour. Good deeds happen to good people and can leave you feeling a glow for the rest of the day.

When things like this happen, things that take us by surprise, we can’t help but feel uplifted and touched by something beyond us, something special. One man named Cameron Mills felt this during a trip to a 7-Eleven in Norman, Oklahoma. He was just going about his business when he saw something a strange. A male employee exited the station and started following a female employee. He wasn’t sure at the man’s intention, so he ripped his phone from his pocket and started filming. But then he witnessed something powerful enough to park the dark and stormy clouds.

On the day of the mini-miracle, Mills was trying to get out of the weather. During his trip into the 7-Eleven, Mills noticed an old woman with a walker. She was struggling to make a purchase. And when it came time for her to exit the building and go back to her vehicle, the 7-Eleven employee refused to let her do it alone. Cameron watched with awe as the gentleman walked the senior citizen to her car.

He held her by the arm and held the drink she had bought. Because the woman had a walker, the employee didn’t want her to slip in the rain. His support gave her confidence and the feeling that she was not alone in the world.

Cameron also saw how the worker not only escorted her to the vehicle, but he pumped her gas for her too. Obviously, the employee was not required to do this at a self-serve gas station. But he wanted to help the kind old lady feel appreciated.

The employee’s simple gesture and the act of kindness touched Cameron as well as the senior citizen. And Cameron Mills chose to share the story about what he witnessed on Facebook so others could revel in this Norman, Oklahoma act of kindness.
“I don’t know his name but Sir, you are a good man,” Cameron wrote.

You never know when someone is watching. And while this employee did not act in the way he did for attention, someone was watching who appreciated the way he handled the situation. Because Cameron’s story was very powerful and touched the hearts of more people across the internet, it was shared more than 137,000 times.

When we see other people doing right in the world, it pays to acknowledge them and honor their kindness. If we recognize the good in others, we can help encourage them to act more from that place. It is simple but powerful and a great way to help change the world for the better.

Where our attention goes, energy flows.