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Single Mom of 3 Shelters Homeless Man, was shocked to see her house surrounded by several cars later

A single mom of three who shelters a homeless man is shocked to see her house surrounded by several cars later. When Samantha sees a storm coming, she decides to help the homeless man who had saved her life. Little did she know that it was the beginning of a whole new chapter in her life.

Samantha is a daydreamer, like those of us who like to dream at the window seat in a creaky old bus or spin tales of our imaginary lives for our alternate selves set to the song playing on our earphones in the crowded subway. For a few minutes every day, Samantha’s harsh reality of being a struggling single mom of three who could barely hold a job could wait.

Her worries about how she would pay her bills or become a fashion designer could wait as long as she was walking home from work via the long route. She would let the dreams, ideas, and thoughts simmer until her feet were right in front of her house. But then there were days when reality was too frustrating to brush past. Today was just one of those days. Another fine for being 10 minutes late to work. Read the full story here ▶