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At Husband’s Funeral, Woman Notices Note Sticking Out of His Pocket, Quietly Pulls It Out

This woman’s name is Daniela Levy Ronnie. She’s 24 years old and from Edinburgh, Scotland. Daniela is no different from other young adults. She loves to travel alone to foreign countries and meet other travelers along the way. Daniela is not a stranger to backpacking trips; she has been doing it for some time now. Of course, whenever a person travels abroad to a foreign place, they need to be especially cautious of potential dangers that may happen.

If a person encounters something they have not handled before, they may end up ill or seriously injured. That’s exactly what happened to Daniela. Her next adventure was set on the continent of Asia. She wanted to get a glimpse and experience other cultures in the eastern hemisphere of the world. Daniela had planned to visit Vietnam first on her list. While in Vietnam, Daniela got into a minor accident on a motorcycle. Luckily, she wasn’t badly hurt, but she noticed that shortly after the incident, her nose started to feel itchy. Read the full story here ▶